Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Needle’s Eye Book Cover and Portrait!

In case anyone missed what I’ve been posting on social media this month, I thought I’d write this to show off some of The Needle’s Eye artwork!

I posted the cover last week, and just recently I’ve posted an image of the portrait that is described in the book. So here we have the cover of the three sisters, and the portrait of the lord and his three sons!

(From left to right) Elizabeth, Delia, Emily
(From left to right) Anton, Dante, the Lord, Christopher

Omri Koresh is so talented. I just can’t stop saying that. I’m in love with the cover, and the portrait is so amazing. If you look closely, you can see the brushstrokes and texture of the canvas!

I’m so excited to show off these images!

I’m still sharing something on social media every day this month in some form (whether here on the blog, on instagram, twitter, or facebook, and even Youtube!)

If you missed it as well, I also posted a video yesterday (audio only) of me reading ‘Polaris’ by HP Lovecraft. I recorded this because it was an inspiration for The Needle’s Eye. Check it out here:

The Audiobook will also be available later this month, but is up for preorder on Googleplay only right now. It will be available through other retailers later this month.

The Needle’s Eye has a release date of September 30th!

Want to know a secret? (You can order the paperback right now!) Click here

The Needle’s Eye …vs Twilight?

Twlight’s Midnight Sun was recently released, coincidentally around the same time I’ve been working on the second edition of The Needle’s Eye. We meet again, Twilight… Love it or hate it, that’s up to you, but especially since I was working on a Needle’s Eye commentary, I was reminded that one reason I wrote The Needle’s Eye in the first place was because of Twilight.

Is that surprising? I wonder.

I discussed some of this in the upcoming commentary published in the second edition, but I was vague about it. I didn’t mention Twilight by name. I thought I might go into a bit more detail here. Maybe it makes for an interesting read.

This will be, as much as possible, spoiler free.

I wrote The Needle’s Eye somewhere around 2008-2009. At the time, Twilight was at it peak popularity, and I was personally annoyed by it. Part of that was probably jealousy, to see something so popular and wonder why I couldn’t have that, but I also had strict opinions about literature in my twenties, about what was good and what wasn’t, and sparkling vampires fell into the realm of ‘not’.

I just want to reiterate that I try not to hate on other works anymore. If I don’t like something, whatever, I’ll move on. If someone else wants to like it, that’s fine with me. We’re all entitled to our opinions and to like what we like.

For me, this dislike gave me an excuse to retaliate and create my own work of art.

There was one specific line that got my mind turning. I can’t quote it exactly. Maybe it was even on the back of the book. It was something like this:

“I knew two things. One was that Edward was a vampire. The second was that I was irrevocably in love with him.”

Okay, Bella. I see you.

So I said to myself ‘here is what I will do’. I was like the Grinch making plans. I decided that I would write something with that idea in mind, but I would write about men who were truly dangerous, and about girls who were infatuated with them anyway.

And so, that’s what I did. (The Needle’s Eye is not actually about vampires, by the way.)

If you’ve read The Needle’s Eye before, and wondered why I did what I did with the story, that’s why. It was to console my own dark mind.

Of course, if you haven’t read it and you’re curious to know exactly what I mean here, I hope you’ll check out the second edition or audiobook, out Sept 30!

As a reminder, I’m still posting something every day as the month rolls along, so be sure to follow me on all my social media to get all the teasers.

And just so you know, tomorrow is the cover reveal!

Coming to Conclusions; Healing

So in my last post, I was talking about how I was on a break from writing and how I wasn’t sure what the future holds for me. It has been two weeks since that post, and I’ve done a lot of thinking and soul-searching in that time.

I’m pleased to say I’m in a better place. I’ve made a few decisions and set some goals (both writing and non-writing goals) so I don’t feel as conflicted as I was.

The conclusions that I’ve reached are these:

1.) I still need to be practical in my life decisions and not disregard the security of my future.

2.) I still need writing in my life.

They have to go together. There is no other option.

So now I have to find that much-needed balance. I know I’ve talked about this before, but it’s something that I constantly struggle with. The struggle continues but change has not happened, so the answer is that change must happen.

The change is downsizing my life and that has begun! It may take a while but I think I can eventually find myself in a place I want to be in. The most important thing is that I’ve decided to change, and of course, that I won’t stop writing.

I mentioned that something personal happened to me early this year and I’ve debated on whether I wanted to talk about it. Suffice it to say that it was an event that happens to a lot of women, but it was enough to put many things into perspective for me. I was very happy and then very sad… (you get it). But it made me realize that some things had to change and they had to change immediately.

Even so… I like to think in the VERY long-term, so I need to plan for a better future. I  don’t want to look back when I’m old and have accomplished nothing. I’m a problem-solver by nature and I can figure this out.

That’s it! Onward!

IMG_0246 (3)

This picture makes the cover look lighter and a bit blurry, but it’s actually not. The sunlight washed it out and I had to adjust it a little. It actually looks more like it appears in the digital image.

As you can see, one thing I managed to do was get Mark of Thorn: Book of Scars into print. I admit, it felt good to do that. I have reviewed a copy and once again it is great to have something I wrote bound and ready for my shelf alongside the others. I mentioned before that Createspace was joining with Amazon, but the print copy still looks just as good, and it’s slightly less of a hassle to set up, which is nice for us writers.

I’m also in the process of reading it again myself so that I can get back in the groove to work on Book of Beauty, the next in the series. I’m hoping to have it finished and ready to go by this November. I know that’s a pretty big gap, but as of right now, a year apart might be all I can do.

We’ll just have to see how life goes.

Hopefully things will continue to get better. I’m working on myself and trying to get back to a better place. Everyone hits rough times, but I need to press through. I’ll keep you updated on further progress.

Unexplained Absence

Originally, this post was a bit of a downer. I wrote it a while ago and then couldn’t bring myself to post it. I think I’m in a slightly better place now.

I haven’t been around in a bit, I know, but something truly strange has happened to me. The end of the year was pretty bleak, and the beginning of this year has not been great for personal reasons. Honestly, when I think about explaining my absence…I find that I can’t do a very good job of it.

I guess I’ll start by saying that The Mark of Thorn: Book of Scars is now available in ebook form. It’s still not set up for print, but I’m trying to get that done even as I write this. I’ve not been motivated to do this or anything else lately. The book released in early November and I haven’t said a word about it.

I almost cancelled it.

There are several reasons for this. A few months ago, I mentioned that I took a new job, and I feel like this job is all I’ve been doing. I don’t think I’ve written a word since September. But it’s not because I don’t have time. It’s…strange. Even before that, I was feeling distant from my writer persona, and already wondered if launching a 5 book series was the right thing to do, even as I wondered if I would have the motivation to continue it. I still wonder if it was a mistake.

I’ve been absent from writing and publishing and social media. Oddly, I don’t even feel depressed about it. I’m not really sure what has happened to me.

I went through a bit of an evolution this past year. I knew I needed to make some changes in my life. The distant future seemed not so distant anymore. I left a job in May and took 3 months off, trying to focus on my writing before I realized I needed to go back to work. I got a new job and I like it pretty well. I haven’t even thought about writing since. My mind is consumed by other things: finance, retirement, career, family. I find that I rely on others for escapism storytelling instead of my own mind. I’d rather play a game – or even worse, watch someone else play a game that my brain isn’t actively involved in.

I’m afraid I’ve gone and pulled a Wendy. That’s right… I regret to say that I think I’ve grown up. All of a sudden I’m sensible, and the dream of making it as a writer feels more like a delusion of the past.

For a long time, I’ve tried to hold onto my imagination and the daydreamer part of me, knowing that if I ever let it go and became consumed with the real world, I would lose it completely. I’m not sure if that’s what’s happened, but I feel different now. I feel…more like a person I didn’t know I was. I think I’m happier…well, aside from recent events…but I’m not sure what I am. (?) I know I’ve grown as a person, especially as far as my social anxiety goes, and I don’t feel as anxious or depressed as I have in the past. I think this comes from actually being more involved in the world instead of being lost to a story and a dream all the time.

Recently, even the name Lani Lenore doesn’t feel right anymore. I’ve thought, even if I continue writing, that I might change my name. But that presents more problems. I want to be me. I want to know who I am instead of trying to be two people. And letting go of it completely doesn’t really bother me like it should.

I guess I’m just saying that I don’t know what’s going to happen – with me or my writing or my life. I’ve been absent and I wanted to let you know why. Maybe I needed to back up and rethink things.

I wish I could come back with something more positive and upbeat in order to say that I’m still here and working on something new, but that’s not the case right now. Maybe it will be again soon. For now, all I can say is that I don’t have a plan for a publishing schedule anymore, but I am going to try to get back into Mark of Thorn at least enough to edit Book of Beauty, and hopefully that will lead me to finish the next one.

I need to do something different, and I just know that things haven’t been working out for me.

I feel bad for letting people down, and maybe I really am just depressed right now because of other things, but what I’ve been feeling for the past five months has been more of the same.

I don’t want to discourage others from going for their dreams, but for now, my own feels far away. Perhaps I’ll find myself again soon.

I don’t know when Mark of Thorn: Book of Beauty will appear, but I’m certain that it will show itself eventually. I want to also get Book of Scars into print soonish, if nothing else. I have the full cover in the works and have finished the layout, so it’s just a matter of time.

Thank you again to all of you who continue to support me. I know it’s disappointing to hear some of this. Writing has been so important to me for a long time, but it’s so much work for such a small payoff, and right now it’s difficult for me to make sense of it.

I’ll be back when I have more (and hopefully better) news.

Lani’s Lenore’s True Scary Stories (it happened to me)

Happy Spooktober! It has been another year for Project Nevermor!

I haven’t had much time to update in a while, but the new job is going well. I have a better attitude about it now than when I started.

A little book news. The Mark of Thorn: Book of Scars is still planned for Novemeber 5th. But there is one thing that may not go as I planned. I recently found out that Createspace (where I publish my print books) is joining with Amazon, and honestly, it’s about time, but I don’t know how this change is going to affect the timeline in which I’m able to release Book of Scars in print. So, while the print book may not be available immediately, the ebook is still heading for the planned release date.

Lately, I’ve been interested in true horror stories. (yeah, I went from true crime to true horror) I found a channel on Youtube called Mr. Nightmare, one thing led to another, and I’ve been listening to these narrated stories and basically freaking myself out. Late at night… When I’m by myself…

Listening to these stories led me to realize something: they reminded me that I actually have a couple of scary stories to tell. Let me tell you, that thought makes me feel weird. Does everyone experience something like this at least once in their life? I don’t know. Maybe some people never do, but I have two.

Neither of them had a deadly ending, but they were frightening to me – as they would be to anyone in that situation.

When I look back on these events, I can’t help but think that if just one thing had been different, maybe things would have been a lot worse.

It’s not quite Halloween yet, but I was inspired to tell you about these events. They aren’t ghost stories, but they are pretty scary all the same.

Story 1: Shots Fired

This happened about two years ago. I used to work at a pet boarding facility. I had just arrived for my shift at 10 am. Often, I was right on the dot with my clock-in time, but I must have been at least a couple of minutes early on this occassion.

It was a normal day. I came in and said hello to my coworkers at the front desk and began to make my way to the time clock and then to the hallway where we kept all our charts. My coworker (let’s call him Matt) was already standing there, since the morning had been pretty slow. We didn’t have many pets boarding with us, so he had worked the morning by himself. He was supposed to leave at 10 when I came in.

I asked him how the morning had gone, and he said that it was “uneventful”. That would take on a new meaning for all of us.

We stood there for about 5 minutes, chatting, when I began to hear a sound from outside that sounded like hammering. I’m pretty sensitive to noises, so it bugged me that I didn’t know what it was. Was someone hammering on the outside of the building? Were they doing repairs? I asked Matt, and he didn’t think so. He was not very bothered by the sound, but I was curious about what it was.

Briefly, let me explain that this was a pet hotel, so we had a lot of fenced in areas surrounding the building where we could let the dogs out. Some small yards led into larger yards with only wire fencing around them. These areas stretched closer to the road. That said, to investigate the sound, I opened the side door and stepped out into a small yard that had a wooden fence, blocking my view of the road and the other yards.

The sound was definietly louder outside and distorted by an echo. I walked through the small fenced area and I was just about to unlock the gate to step through to the larger yard outside, when suddenly I realized that what I was hearing was the sound of steady gunshots.

I immediately came back into the facitlity, but I didn’t panic. I told Matt that I was certain that the sound was gunshots. They were nearby and I was concerned. I don’t know if he knew what to think about that, but we just looked at each other for a minute. Shortly after that, another coworker came into the hallway from the lobby and said, rather hurriedly:

“There’s a guy out there shooting a gun.”

I heard what she said, but I still didn’t quite understand it. I was alert, but the area around our workplace was surrounded by fields, and we’re in the south, so I was still thinking that maybe someone was in the field shooting their gun for fun or practice.

She said “No, there is a guy walking down the middle of the road in combat gear, shooting an assault rifle.”

That’s when things got really scary. We were in the back hallway, relatively safe, but there were a lot of doors even in the back because we have so many side yards. She told us that we needed to go to all the doors and check to make sure that they were locked, but we needed to keep low.

So I’m crouched down, going through the building, locking all the doors, all the while thinking that there is some crazy guy about to burst into our building and kill us. We did not know what he was doing or why, and it was extremely scary. At the time, we thought it was random, and some guy was out there rampaging, hell-bent on murder.

I stayed in the back with my coworkers, and some of them didn’t seem to know how to react, but I was looking for something that I could use as a weapon, and even shut myself in a side closet for a bit, just in case. I didn’t know if someone would suddenly be in that hallway I was just standing in, so I was trying to be smart about it.

Shortly afterward, we got word from the girls who were still in the lobby, crouched behind the front desk, that the guy had come into the parking lot and front yard of our workplace and had run around the side of the building. They had called the police, but no one knew where the guy had gone.

That made it worse.

The time passing by seemed like forever, but the cops responded quickly. One of my coworkers was married to a police officer, so I think that helped – as if they needed a reason to rush to the site of an active shooter. Her husband had his entire unit down there in a flash, and I think they were actually a gang unit instead. I have never seen so many cops in my life. City, County, Undercover. There were cop cars lining the streets and parking lot. There were helicopters circling overhead.

But they still had not caught the guy.

I remember my friend saying: “It’s okay now. The cops are here.” I’m like “No, it’s not okay until they find that guy.” I was still imagining that he might be crouched outside one of our doors, ready to come in and take us hostage or something. I was not intending to be caught by surprise, no matter what happened.

Eventually, there were so many cops crawling all over the place that I stopped being afraid. A few minutes later, we got word that the shooter had been caught. He was picked up on the next road over, and he was completely naked. We all assume that he took off his clothes so that the police would have no reason to shoot him, because obviously he had no weapon.

Later, we were finally able to learn what happened. Apparently, the guy was a disgruntled employee from the factory across the street. He had recently been dismissed and had been escorted out of the building. He then went to his car, put on his gear, got his gun, and started shooting toward the factory – not at us. But we didn’t know that. He shot into several cars in the parking lot, shot at the security booths, and allegedely even shot into a car that happened to be driving toward him when he was walking down the middle of the road.

No one was hurt. Thank goodness. None of the animals were hurt either. But later on, the shooter was charged with 10 counts of attempted murder for every person who had been nearby in the direction he was shooting. Even the poor woman who had been mowing the lawn across the street, on a mower that my coworker and I saw abandoned when we had to walk down the road to deliver a dog to an owner. I wonder what SHE might have felt at the time.

Luckily for the cops, there was an extensive security setup throughout our building and grounds, which captured a lot of footage throughout the property. They were able to get very good images of the shooter. It was so weird to watch the video feed as each of us in the building became aware of the shots, and how we scrambled to action. I could see the girls in the lobby – one of which actually opened the front door to check out the sound before proptly slamming it shut and getting behind the desk to call the police. It was even creepier to see the shooter walk into our parking lot – not so far from the front door – and even check a couple of our cars as if he might have been able to steal them.

When I was finally able to go outside, I saw that there were shell casings all over the front lawn of my workplace. Dozens. Not only that, but the gun itself had been abandoned beside a large tree at the front of the building, apparently just before he had been seen running around the side of our building, where he entered the wooded area and stripped.

The barrel of the gun was clogged with dirt, and was jammed, so he abandoned it. But I can’t help but wonder how things might have gone differently with just a few changes to the situation.

I am so thankful that there were no customers present, that no one was in the parking lot or coming into the building for their shift (including me), and that none of us were outside doing activities with the dogs in the larger yards near the road.

Because he might have shot at us too. If a dog had been barking at him through the fence and drew his attention, what would have happened?

Ever since that day, it was taboo to say that a day had been “uneventful”.

I wonder what might have happened if I was just a couple of minutes later to work, if I had still been in the parking lot at the time, or if the man’s gun hadn’t jammed when it did. Would he have tried to get into my workplace? I guess I can’t say. I’m just glad that it didn’t happen.

I did not realize that I still have such strong feelings about this happening until I was writing this – until I went back and read a couple of news articles about it. I saw the names of my employers and remembered exactly how I felt that day. It was truly terrifying. Honestly, to remember it, I almost started crying.

Now, even still, when I hear a gunshot that I’m not quite prepared for in a field near my house, I always get a feeling of panic and I remember this incident.


Story 2: Paint Job

I said that neither of these stories were supernatural, but this one – well – think of it what you will.

My husband and I had just bought our house. It was our dream home, and still is, but at the time, it needed a little bit of work before we would be ready to move in – and we had to wait a bit longer than we had intended in order to actually get the house.

Our offer had been accepted, and I want to say that the last family moved out around Thanksgiving, but due to some issues with the loan, we were not able to officially get the house until January. Then after that, we wanted to do a few things before moving our stuff in. Like paint.

We did not move in until the beginning of February, so the house sat “empty” from late November until then. During that time, we were both in and out of the house, working on what we could. We did some work on the outside of the house and were particularly interested in redoing the living room ceiling and taking down some terrible wallpaper in order to paint, and also painting the master bedroom upstairs. Those were the three main things.

The house is a split-level, which means that it has essentially 3 levels. There is a base level beneath where you can come in through the garage, go up seven steps and then you’re in the main level, then go up seven more steps (above the garage) and you’re upstairs where the bedrooms are.

One night, I had just gotten off work, but I felt like stopping by the house on my way to my previous home so that I could paint a little. In fact, I think I was determined to finish the bedroom that night.

When I got there, I parked in the garage and closed it, then went upstairs to the first level. There was no lock on the door that led into the kitchen, so I went inside and was then on the main level. We had been working in the living room, so we had plastic sheets all over the floor to protect from dust and paint. I probably looked around to admire what we had accomplished before heading upstairs.

Up the second flight of steps, I went to the bedroom where I had left my painting supplies from before. This room was also covered in plastic. I set my purse in the hallway so that it wouldn’t get paint on it. I only had my phone on me. I don’t remember feeling uncomfortable to go into the house, even though I was by myself. Maybe because it was still daylight when I first arrived, but I’m not sure that it was. It was winter, and it was very cold that day.  Likely, I turned on a lot of the lights and checked all the doors to make sure they were locked. Then I started painting.

Oh yeah, and one other thing. I had earbuds in during this, so I was not paying attention to what was going on around me. I felt secure.

I don’t know what time it was. Maybe around 6 or 7. At one point, I took out my earbuds (or maybe I just turned the music off) and I was messing with my phone to find whatever music I wanted to listen to. Maybe it was miraculous, but it just happened to be right then that I decided to do this.

The house was silent, as of course it should be. Within those few seconds while I was standing there, music off, I heard a screeching noise that sounded like the garage door rising — but it did not rise all the way. It was like it lifted quickly and went back down, then I heard rapid sounds moving through the bottom level of the house beneath me.

It happened so fast, but I remember how it went, even though it was only a few seconds. No matter where I am, if I hear a noise that I don’t recognize, I freeze and listen, trying to see if I will hear it again, or if I can decide what it is. This was not one of those singular noises that make you go ‘what was that?’. No. This was a garage door sound, rapid movement through the garage and up the steps and into the kitchen. The sounds did not stop for me to even consider that it was a simple bump in the night.

Someone was in my house. I was sure of it.

I had never called 911 before, and that thought made me nervous by itself, but I was standing there with my phone in my hand and I KNEW that I could not hesitate. Whether it was or it wasn’t, I had to act.

There was a bathroom off the master bedroom where I was painting, but the doorknobs were old and I knew that the lock wasn’t very good. But it was the only place I could think to go. My purse was in the hallway with my keys, and I don’t believe I even considered going for it. I dialed 911 as I went into the bathroom, closed the door quietly, and sat down in front of the door to lean against it. I had no choice.

When the operator answered, I quietly told him ‘I think someone is in my house.’

I gave him my address as quietly as possible, and I don’t remember everything I said to him. I remember him periodically asking me questions to try to get me to talk to him, but I didn’t WANT to talk to him. I knew that the walls were paper thin, and he kept asking me things like ‘do you still hear noises?’ I would answer “yeah”. His voice seemed loud to me, and I kind of wanted to punch him through the phone, because I was afraid that whoever was there would hear his voice. Not to mention that the house was empty, and so there was also an empty house echo.

I sat there against the door, knowing there was a gap under the door that someone could likely see my shadow through, but leaning against the door was all I could do. I tried to stretch out my legs and wedge myself between the door and the cabinet in front of me, but my legs were almost too short. All I knew was that if someone had tried to get in, that leverage was the only thing that would keep them out since the door wouldn’t lock.

During all this, I was still hearing sounds of movement throughout the house. No, it didn’t stop. But after they had gotten into the main part of the house, they seemed to slow way down. They were moving through the house at their leisure. I heard someone walking on the plastic in the living room downstairs, and eventually they came upstairs.

The bathroom I was in was actually back to back with the other upstairs bathroom. I heard them go into that other bathroom. I heard them tapping on the countertop, like drumming with their knuckles. Shortly afterward, I thought I heard them come out and then look into the other two bedrooms on the other side of the hallway.

I stayed on the phone with the operator the whole time, and I felt like I sat there forever. My legs and back were hurting where I was stretching, trying to brace myself against the door. Where were the cops? It was true that it was a winter night and the roads were bad, but I was about to be axe murdered, and it shouldn’t have been taking them that long! Honestly, I had no idea how long it had been.

Then, I heard a footstep on the plastic that was covering the bedroom floor beyond the bathroom, over by the doorway.

I remember thinking ‘Oh my God, they are going to find me’. I tried to be quiet. The operator tried to talk to me again and I didn’t want to answer. I was probably the most scared I had ever been in my life. I was already certain that they could hear me quietly talking to the operator, but yet they didn’t hurry away.

I believe that the footstep on the bedroom floor plastic was the last sound that I heard. It did get silent after a bit. I never heard the person leave, and certainly didn’t hear them go downstairs or through the garage.

They never tried to get into the bathroom. I don’t know if they even approached the door, but I remember imagining them standing there, hearing me and knowing I was on the phone with the cops, and trying to decide what they wanted to do at that point. Would they have enough time to do what they had really come to do? What an eerie thought, even now.

Finally, the disbatcher told me that the cops had arrived, and they were outside the house. He said they had looked around the house outside and were at the sunroom door, which was just beyond the bedroom, and that I needed to let them in. I remember saying “are you sure?” because I was still afraid to come out. He told me yes, and so I did.

I opened the bathroom door, and went into the sunroom, where I saw 4 or 5 police officers waiting. They came into the house, guns drawn, spreading out to search the whole house. I think there were a few outside, but I was left in the sunroom by myself after that. The operator had hung up. My teeth were chattering and I was shaking.

The police searched the house inside and out. They did not find anyone. All the doors to get into the house were locked. My purse was untouched. They checked the rooms, the closets, and mentioned to me that they did not see attic access. I told them that there was a panel in the closet downstairs, but I don’t believe I had heard anything that might have sounded like someone trying to climb into the attic. They could not have done that silently.

After searching the house, they didn’t find anyone.

Eventually, the officers came back upstairs and gathered around me, and at that point, I admit, I felt a little foolish. They asked me questions about the house – likely to help me feel more at ease – and complemented the house. They apologized for it taking them so long to get there, but the roads were a bit slick. I remember them smiling as they chatted with me. I didn’t realize until later that it had taken them twenty minutes to get there even though I only live five-ten minutes from town.

But one officer had a more serious look. He pulled out his notepad and asked me: “what sounds did you hear, exactly?” And I completely flaked. I felt like a fool when they didn’t find anyone, and quickly convinced myself that I had imagined the whole thing. I told him “I don’t know. I just heard a lot of sounds — but I’m not familiar with this house and I don’t know, maybe it was mice!” I really just felt like an idiot, and I brushed the entire thing off.

Sadly, I let them believe that I was just some silly person who heard a little noise and panicked – though the 911 recording would tell them otherwise, I’m sure.

They said they were leaving and asked if I would also like to leave while they were still around. I said that yes, I definietly would.

I walked outside with them and opened the garage from the outside so that I could get my car. When I was leaving, the notepad officer said something about the garage, and I said ‘oh yeah, that’s where I thought they came in. The garage’. Even though, yes, I should have told him everything while he was writing it down. He kind of eyed the garage door, but they did not check it again. I got in my car and went home.

Afterward, I called my husband and parents to tell them what happened. Actually, I think I went straight to my husband’s workplace, because he was working nights at the time. And even though I brushed it off to the cops, the more I thought about it, the more I was convinced that someone had been there.

The next day, we all went back to the house because I wanted to figure it out and try to relive it. I had them experiment with sounds while I was upstairs – had them go up and down the stairs and open doors. And yes, those sounds sounded like what I had heard.

I think the thing that fully sealed the deal for me was when we went to the garage, and even though the door was down, my dad was able to lift it up and mimic the sound as if someone had lifted the door just enough to duck under it before letting it back down.

I was convinced that someone was in the house with me, but I never heard a person say a word or make a sound. There was no defining noise – like the sound of running water – that would obviously let me know that it was a person. But someone was there. I’m 100% sure.

I do not know who the person was or what they wanted. Maybe they thought the house was empty, as it had been for several nights. It was very cold that night, and maybe it was someone who wanted a warm place to stay. Maybe they were a neighbor, merely curious about what we were doing to the inside of the house, and meant no harm, only wanting to look around. Or maybe they knew I was there.

What I know is that the sight of my car in the garage did not stop them from coming in. The sight of my purse in the hall did not stop them. I’m not sure what did. Maybe it was the sound of my voice on the phone with the disbatcher as I was cowering in the bathroom.

But I can’t help but wonder what might have happened if I hadn’t taken my earbuds out at that exact moment, in enough time to actually hear the first sounds of someone coming into the house.

Right after that, I decided I wanted a Rottweiler and a gun. (I didn’t get either.) Well, the scare passed, but I still think about it on occassion. My husband even went to meet the neighbors after that to check them out, but they are older couples, and he didn’t get any weird vibes. They didn’t even seem aware that the cops were swarming all over the house and yard that night!

We still live here, and I’ve since grown more comfortable in the house. I feel perfectly safe here, and I have never heard any sounds like that since then, which makes me believe without a shadow of doubt that someone was in the house with me. And yet I wonder… I never heard that person leave, and the police never checked the attic… Though they might have easily exited the house after we had all left for the night.

I don’t know which of these two incidents was scarier for me. Maybe the second one, even though the threat in the first story was clear. The cops showed up quickly and I knew that the threat was outside the building. In the second event, the threat was unknown and in the house with me.

Whew! I am creeping myself out just writing this stuff. These were both very scary situations that I was involved in, and I certainly hope that there are people out there who NEVER have to experience anything remotely like this.

Anyway, I thought I would share these experiences with you since I’ve been thinking about them.

Patreon is LIVE!

Hey everyone! Last week, I announced that I was opening a Patreon page. It’s now live and offers a few options for those who’d like to offer support to me and my work, including exclusive posts, story previews — and (of course) copies of all my new books when they are released, delivered straight from me to you! (Tier rewards vary)

Ever wanted your name in a book? Become a patron at the $3 tier and you’ll get just that!

Do you have trouble getting your hands on my printed books because of where you live? No problem! Sign up for the $15 tier and get each new book I publish, signed, and sent from me to you. I don’t care where you live! (as long as the postal service doesn’t)

Want a little something extra? In addition to all the rest, sign up for the $50 tier and you’ll get a mystery box with an item or two related to my work every time I publish a new work!

Again, I’m still working on a three-month publishing schedule, so that’s a brand new book every three months!

I’m not going into details about why I started up Patreon at this point, but I make mention of a few reasons on the page itself. Anyway! I want you to know that there’s no pressure. I don’t plan to spam this. I just thought that if anyone wanted to contribute, then they could do so. 🙂

I plan to update Patreon at least once a month with content such as a short story, serial story, or insider news about what I’m currently working on. This will include audio and videos as I’m able to make them. And I’ll be giving more insight into what I do on a daily basis as I prepare for my next publishing endeavors.

I hope you’ll be interested in this and help me out! Visit the page!

Patreon invite pic

Watch the video!

In other news, I’ve set up The Captor’s Redemption in all formats and I just need to have a look at the printed proof, and we’ll be set! I can finally take a breather from all that. But that means I have to jump directly into my next project. I have to keep ahead of the game, you know.

My WIP The Ballad of Skeleton Jane is coming along nicely, and I have so much more planned! I’ll be back soon with another update!

Upcoming Patreon

This is just a quick post, but I wanted to go ahead and let you know!

Among other things that I’ve been working toward, I’m going to be launching a Patreon page in the near future.

I’ve known about Patreon for a while, and even began setting up a page over a year ago, but never launched it. There were a few reasons for this. I felt bad about asking for money, and I wasn’t sure what I could even offer as rewards. I didn’t want to promise something that I couldn’t deliver on.

Now, I have more of a plan. I know what I’m striving for, I know how often I’ll be publishing, and I have more faith in what I’m able to do.

Now comes the real reason I’m doing this: ever since I decided to become a full-time writer (like, immediately afterward), a lot of things started breaking down…(more info on the page later) and I realized that I can’t just wait around for the lucky chance that I might write a bestseller and start getting paid for all my struggles.

And another reason. I want to make free content in addition to selling my books. I feel like I should be able to do that, but I just can’t give away my only marketable skill for free, you know? I know that many of you do understand that, and I thank all of you who turn down free content from me in favor of purchasing it. That means a lot.

So, I’m going to give Patreon a try. Even a little will help, because right now I have very little income.

Right now, the Patreon tiers look like this:


  • Access to Patreon-only posts
  • Access to any exclusive early chapters or short stories that I release here
  • Access to any exclusive audio or video that I post here


  • All Above, plus
  • You’ll get your name mentioned in a special ‘thank you’ section of any book that I release during the time that you are a patron (ebook AND printed)


  • All Above, plus
  • I will personally email (or make available through Patreon) an ebook of every title I release during the period in which you are a patron, in either kindle or ePUB format


  • All Above, plus
  • I will personally mail you a SIGNED printed copy of each title I publish (if or when it’s in print format), during the period in which you are a patron
  • And maybe a few extra items as well, such as bookmarks and postcards
  • It doesn’t matter where you live!


  • All Above, plus
  • In addition to each book I’ll send you, you will get a hand-written letter from me, thanking you for this generous support


This is what I have for now, but I’d like suggestions. Is there anything else you might like to see from me? Do you have any good ideas for rewards that you’d be interested in as a patron. Let me know!

This is just a preview for now, but I’ll keep you up to date about it. Again, don’t forget to sign up for my mailing list as well (that one is totally free!) I mean who knows when you might find out about a giveaway. 😉

I finally have a Mailing List! And more!

Over and over again I’ve seen it written: ‘if you want to be successful as an indie writer, you need a mailing list. It is your most important tool‘. Or something. Now, I finally have one.

You’ve probably already seen it pop up on the blog! (I hope you did, anyway. It was supposed to.) So this is me asking everyone to sign up for it.

I’m hoping this will solve the problem I’ve had of not being able to let all of my fans know when I release a new book. I try to get the word out — on the blog, on social media (did you know you could follow me on Amazon, and Facebook, and Goodreads?)– but then months later someone pops up to say that they didn’t know that I’d released another book. It makes me sad. 😦 But because of the way Facebook works and only shows posts to 10 people unless you boost, well, I’m not surprised.

Now that shouldn’t be a problem anymore — as long as I’m able to let everyone know about the mailing list…

So, if you missed the pop-up, here it is again:

blog header all books


I promise not to spam you. You already know how well I keep up with blog posts, so I don’t think that will be a problem. You’ll just get an email directly from me to you, letting you know about new releases and any other major happenings. But the blog will still be the blog and I don’t plan to ramble (on the newsletter). The blog will have info that is completely different (following the blog is completely different), and that’s that.

Speaking of the blog, I’ve been working on the blog! (ha) You may have noticed that it looks a little different. I’ve added a Books tab which has all my works, descriptions, and links to the different places where you can buy them. It’s not fancy, but it serves its purpose for now. I still don’t have it set up so that I am selling my books directly, but I really want to do that one day. If I can do that, it’ll mean A) better prices for the paperbacks, and B) still a greater percent of earnings for me. So, it’s win-win. Except that I have to actually stock the product… That’s the main reason why I haven’t done it. I may order books that I don’t sell, and that’s just not how I’m able to do things right now.

I’m setting up the blog to function more as a website instead, so it may change again.

I’d like to make the site more mobile-friendly (I know it doesn’t look great on mobile.) But that’s going to take a lot more effort on my part.

Anywho, please sign up for the newsletter so that I can tell you all about the cool stuff I have planned! (Publishing schedule until 2020, remember?)

I was looking around on Amazon the other day and I noticed that many mainstream books have preorders up for books that are nine months from being published! (Then again, books are babies to some.) On the same note, just the other day I saw the first teaser image for the next Wonder Woman movie, and then found out that it wasn’t being released until November 2019. That’s just too far into the future for me to concern myself with.

What’s your opinion? Does knowing about something for a year build your anticipation, or are you more likely to forget about it?

For me, when I hear about something that interests me, I want to buy it immediately. If I have to wait, then I get a little annoyed, but then I still do wait, but I don’t think about it as much. I may even change my mind!

I guess it’s important to let people know what’s going on, so I’ve decided to be a little more honest about what I’m working on even as I’m writing and editing, so you’ll know exactly what I’m doing. I’ve added a new page that lets you know what I’m preparing to publish and what I’m currently writing. Check out the new Current Project tab on the menu. That’s right, this will be your first glimpse at new works from me! Call it a teaser. For me, it’s just another thing that will keep me up to date and working.

As for The Captor’s Redemption, I’m still reading over it while I’m writing my new new work (which won’t be out for a while), but while I was reading through Captor, I realized I had forgotten to transfer an entire section of about 3 chapters, so the word count for that one is around 180k instead of 155k like I mentioned before. It’s a big one! I’m still trying to get it formatted but don’t worry. It will all be ready by August 8th.

Again, please do me the great favor of preordering the ebook. 🙂 HERE’S HOW

I’ll be back soon!

New News – Wide Distribution and Future Plans

blog-header-all-booksIn between binge watching The Closer and doing some long-neglected work around the house, I’ve been getting some serious author-type work done.

I’ve been trying to write at least 1000 words a day, which isn’t a lot, but there’s always the option to do more than that. I’ve been prepping my next release, sorting through book cover options, and making plans for my work load over the next several months.

In the meantime, I’ve finally brought some of my other works to wide distribution. I’ve released three more books through Smashwords, which will eventually be made available through other channels such as Barnes and Noble and iBooks. These are The Needle’s Eye, Dark Depths, and the new version of The Nutcracker Bleeds. I could not release The Hallowed because it’s still under KDP contract until August. Because of that though, The Hallowed is free this weekend, Saturday and Sunday (June 2 and 3) only. Get your copy while you can, and if you’d be willing to leave a review, I’d really appreciate it! (That one doesn’t have any reviews on Amazon yet. 😦

As of now, I feel I have a pretty strong plan for releasing a book every 3 months. I’m going to try that, but if that becomes too much, I’m going to go to 6 months. Either way it works out, I hope to continue on this way. I’m going back to doing this because I want to and need to, not out of desperation for finding some way to make money. I think I’ll be happier if I can revert to that mindset.

My next book is planned for August, and I’ll likely be announcing it in my next post! I’m planning for it to be up for pre-order at that point as well. I’m still editing, but it’s in great shape so I don’t think it will need much.

In conclusion: New book! New book release! New plan! The Hallowed will be free on Amazon this weekend!

Thanks for all your support!


Full-time Writer Status!


Just last week I embarked upon a new life-changing decision: I quit my job and decided to become a full-time writer!

This is something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time – as many others do – and this is what I’ve always felt like I was meant to do. Nothing else has ever satisfied me. Still, the decision did not come easily, and so the truth of it is that I’m going to work for myself for a while and try to get serious about building my business. (Plus, my day job was driving me crazy, so I felt like it was a good time to call it quits.)

So far, I highly recommend it! The two weeks leading up to it and the first week of being at home was a little weird because I have a strong sense of responsibility, and to be “unemployed” brought on a lot of mixed feelings, but this second week has been much better. (Following a month where I was crying almost every day. Yeah, something just wasn’t right in my life.) I like to stay busy, so I’m at least able to turn my energy to my creative pursuits.

I know it seems like bragging… Not everyone can make this a reality. For the record, I honestly have no idea what I’m doing. I like to plan everything and be sure of everything, so this is a big leap for me. But I’m so much happier, at least for now. It may not last, but while it is, I’m planning not only to enjoy it, but to work hard.

So! I’m busy writing and it feels amazing! I’ve been writing every day, back to projects I always meant to work on, but my mind wasn’t clear enough to focus. My mind feels open in a way that it hasn’t been in a long time. While I’m busy writing something new, I have to decide what I want to do next.

Since I’ve reached this goal, I have to set another, and that’s to up my game and get myself on a publishing schedule that works.

My plan is to get myself on a 3-6 month publishing schedule. I would like to do 3 months, but 6 months might be more doable. There will be many benefits to this, I feel. I can publish more and hold myself to a schedule. When I publish a book, I’ll immediately have another up for preorder with a definite release date. In order for me to do this, I have to be a little bit ahead of myself, but I still have a couple of works on reserve, so I plan to start there.

Something old, something new

While I’m working on this new project (the Weird Western I mentioned back around NaNo time last year), I have an old one on deck that I need to prepare.

It’s likely that you’ll soon get an announcement from me about a new release!

But when you hear about it, it likely won’t be released for 3 months. But then, once it is available, there will be a link to the next preorder and news about my next release immediately. I think that will help readers know what to expect from me and always know when a new project will be ready. Also that I WILL have another book to release instead of leaving it up in the air as to when or IF I will publish anything else.

It’s an experiment, as always, but I’ll have to see how it works.

My other books are still available!

I’m about to start preparing all my books for wide distribution. As of now, only some of my books are available through Barnes and Noble and iBooks, for example. Most are on Kindle, but I’m going to put more effort into getting this done. It just takes a different type of formatting to send the books through Smashwords (and it’s kind of a nightmare).

I reduced the prices on some of my titles a while ago on Amazon, so check them out if there are any you haven’t snagged yet.

I’ll be back soon!